All about our Warrior
Hello, Y'all.
I have decided to jump on the blog train to share more of our journey to the world. The hope for this blog is to bring awareness, educate, and share our adventures through the special needs world.
Welcome to Strength in the Herd.
Some of you reading this may not know the story of our girl. Some of you have been in the herd since the start. Bear with me as I learn the blog world. Let's be real, I am a busy mom, and grammar was not one of my strong suits. So you will most likely find some annoying errors along these posts. It's fine. Everything is fine.
Brynlee has faced many challenges and obstacles in her life and comes out stronger each time. I am going to start sharing all the different sides of B. Along with guidance, advice, and the parenting side of it all.
Special needs life can sound scary. It can sound challenging. It can sound impossible. I can tell you that it is at times. Some of the hardest things I have done in my life revolve around this little warrior and her journey. It is scary at times, but it is also so beautiful. It can be very challenging at times, yet so rewarding. It can seem impossible at times, but at the end of the day... it is possible.
When I was 20 weeks pregnant with Brynlee, I found out she had Spina Bifida. Not knowing how severe her case was or what her life would look like. I was scared and worried. When she was born, we found a few more complications, and she was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation II. She had a Trach and a feeding tube placed, along with other surgeries in the first few months of her life.
Brynlee was in the NICU for 40 long days. After she came home, she thrived and kept facing challenges that she would pass through with a smile.
A few years ago, Brynlee was diagnosed with Epilepsy and a rare seizure disorder called Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep (ESES). We have had a battle for a while dealing with this side of Brynlee now. We do have answers coming, (fingers crossed!). We will be seeing a new team at the Mayo Clinic to help get more care for our girl.
There are a lot of different sides to Brynlee. There are a lot of different sides of me as her mom.
With this blog, I will go more in-depth into all the different roads we have traveled. I will share the different diagnoses, stories, thoughts, advice, and the hard and great sides we have been through.
For those of you who don't know us, Brynlee's Herd is a group we started when she was born. We have a Facebook group where I share updates, pictures, and other Brynlee information. Strength in the Herd will be a more raw, real, in-depth side of her journey. Brynlee's Herd is an amazing group that has stood with us on this journey to help us navigate the world as special needs parents and for Brynlee herself. With this blog, I hope to give insight to others, educate those going through similar experiences, and share the story of our Brynie girl.
If there is anything you, as a supporter, would like to know about, hear about, or have me discuss a certain topic, feel free to reach out to me! I am a very open person when it comes to all the good and bad sides of this journey. Every wonder, question, or topic can be discussed and educated on.